Conflict & Autonomy in Bologna – Building the Common

How can we build the common in our cities, accumulate skills and abilities to fight for a city worth living in? What does a life in common look like, here and now?

On the 13th of April Lymy will host an open discussion on urban struggles and building the common in our space on Hämeentie 30 in Helsinki. Two members from the collective Làbas from Bologna in Northern Italy will be presenting their political processes and forms of shared life.

Làbas has occupied a former caserne that they have converted to a social center in Bologna. We are happy to host a discussion with introductory remarks by Flavia Tommasini and Stéfano Re from Làbas as the collective and the social center in particular are sources of inspiration to many of us in Lymy.

Big cities, or metropoles, are an increasingly significant site in the contemporary mode of capitalist production. Cities are where most of us live today but also the places of some of the most intense conflicts in capitalist production.

We believe there is a lot to learn about building the common and shared forms of life from our friends and comrades at Làbas.


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